What is Sound?

Helping children relate to the topics they study is what the Real World Science series of videos does best.

Real World Science: Sound helps students learn the principles of sound, the range of human hearing and significant terms, as they discover the science behind everyday sounds.

Students will also travel deep into the ocean and high into the skies in search of creatures that use echolocation. In physics, sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid.

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What is sound?
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Definition of sound

Sound is a form of energy that is produced by the vibration of air particles. When an object vibrates, it causes the air particles around it to also vibrate. These vibrations travel through the air in the form of sound waves, which our ears can pick up and interpret as sound.

The characteristics of sound are determined by the frequency of these vibrations. Higher frequencies produce higher-pitched sounds, while lower frequencies produce lower-pitched sounds. This is why different objects and materials create different types of sounds when they vibrate. For example, a guitar string produces a different sound than a drum because of the difference in their vibrations.

The concept of sound waves, which are the physical representation of sound, helps us understand how sound travels through different mediums. Sound can travel through solids, liquids, and gases, but its speed and behavior can vary depending on the medium.

Understanding the definition of sound, as a form of energy produced by vibrations and transmitted through sound waves, is essential in comprehending the nature of sound and its various characteristics and behaviors.

Properties of sound waves

Sound waves are a fascinating phenomenon that play a crucial role in our everyday lives. Understanding the properties of sound waves can help us comprehend how they travel and interact with the environment around us. From frequency and amplitude to speed and wavelength, sound waves exhibit a variety of characteristics that influence how we perceive and experience the world of sound. In the following sections, we will delve into the properties of sound waves and explore how they contribute to the rich tapestry of auditory experiences.

Longitudinal waves

Longitudinal waves are a type of wave where the particles of the medium vibrate in the same direction as the wave travels. This means that the particles move parallel to the direction of the wave, creating areas of compression and rarefaction. In compressions, the particles are closer together, while in rarefactions, the particles are further apart.

Sound waves are a common example of longitudinal waves. When a sound is produced, it creates a series of compressions and rarefactions in the air, which travel as a longitudinal wave. Other examples include seismic waves in the Earth's crust and ultrasound waves in medical imaging.

As the wave travels, the motion of the medium's particles is in the same direction as the energy transport. This means that the disturbances are passed along from particle to particle in the direction of the wave. This characteristic of longitudinal waves allows for the transfer of energy and information through the medium.

Frequency and wavelength

The relationship between frequency and wavelength is inversely proportional. This means that as the frequency of a sound wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. The velocity of a sound wave is determined by the medium through which it is traveling, such as air, water, or a solid material.

The wavelength of a sound wave can be determined based on its frequency and velocity using the formula: wavelength = velocity / frequency. This means that the wavelength of a sound wave is equal to the speed of the wave divided by its frequency.

For example, if the velocity of a sound wave is 343 meters per second (typical for air at room temperature) and the frequency is 1000 hertz, the wavelength would be 343 / 1000 = 0.343 meters. This formula can be used to calculate the wavelength of a sound wave given its frequency and the velocity of the medium through which it is traveling.

In summary, the frequency and wavelength of a sound wave are related through an inverse relationship, and the wavelength can be determined using the velocity and frequency of the sound wave.

Amplitude and intensity

Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of particles from their equilibrium position in a sound wave, while intensity is the amount of energy that passes through a unit area per unit of time. In the context of sound waves, amplitude and intensity are related in that the greater the amplitude of a sound wave, the greater its intensity. This increased intensity results in a greater perception of loudness by the human ear.

The equilibrium value of pressure in a sound wave is the baseline pressure level at which the particles would be at rest in the absence of the wave. Amplitude directly affects the equilibrium value of pressure, as it determines how far the particles move from this baseline. Intensity, on the other hand, reflects the amount of energy that is transmitted through the wave, and this directly impacts the perception of loudness.

The threshold of pain for the human ear is reached at an intensity of around 120 decibels, and this level is directly linked to the amplitude of the sound wave. Nonlinearities in the propagation of sound waves can occur at high amplitudes, leading to distortion and the generation of higher harmonics. This can result in a perceived increase in loudness and a change in the quality of the sound.

How sound travels

Sound is a fascinating phenomenon that travels in waves through different mediums, such as air, water, and solids. Understanding how sound travels can help us appreciate the complexity of our auditory experience and the importance of maintaining good acoustics in different environments. From the creation of sound to the way it reaches our ears, each step in the journey of sound waves plays a crucial role in our ability to perceive and interpret the world around us. In the following headings, we will explore the mechanics of sound propagation, the factors that affect its speed and intensity, and the practical implications of understanding the principles of sound travel.

Speed of sound in different mediums

The speed of sound in different mediums varies due to factors such as temperature, density, and elasticity. In gases, the velocity of sound waves is dependent on the temperature and molecular weight of the gas. At 0°C, the speed of sound in helium is approximately 972 m/s, in nitrogen is 334 m/s, in oxygen is 316 m/s, in carbon dioxide is 259 m/s, and in dry air is 331 m/s. In solids, the speed of sound is influenced by the material's density and elasticity. For example, in steel, the speed of sound is around 5,960 m/s, in aluminum is about 6,320 m/s, and in glass is approximately 4,500 m/s. It is important to note that these values can change with variations in temperature and pressure. Additionally, the speed of sound in steam, which is a gaseous phase of water, also varies with temperature and pressure. Overall, the speed of sound in different mediums can be attributed to a variety of factors, making it important to consider these when studying acoustics and wave propagation.

Sound transmission through air, solids, and liquids

Sound is transmitted through air, solids, and liquids by the vibration of atoms and molecules. In air, the atoms and molecules are further apart, and sound waves travel by the particles colliding and transferring the vibration to neighboring particles. In solids and liquids, the atoms and molecules are packed more densely, allowing sound to travel more efficiently through the structure.

When sound waves pass between different media, such as from air to a solid object or from a solid to a liquid, the transmission of sound is impacted. The change in density and the arrangement of the particles can either enhance or hinder the transmission of sound waves. For example, when sound waves travel from air to a solid, the denser structure allows the waves to propagate more effectively, resulting in clearer and louder sound transmission.

Overall, the transmission of sound through different mediums is influenced by the density and arrangement of atoms and molecules, which affect the efficiency and quality of sound propagation.

Measuring sound

Sound is an integral part of our environment, and measuring it is crucial for various purposes ranging from ensuring workplace safety to monitoring noise pollution. By quantifying sound levels, we can assess potential health risks, comply with regulatory standards, and develop strategies for noise control. In this article, we will explore the different methods and equipment used for measuring sound, including decibel meters, sound level meters, and noise dosimeters. We will also delve into the principles behind these measurements and the importance of understanding sound levels in different settings, such as industrial, residential, and environmental. Whether it's for evaluating the impact of construction projects on the surrounding community or evaluating the noise exposure of workers, the accurate measurement of sound is essential for maintaining a safe and healthy living and working environment.

Sound pressure levels (SPL)

Sound pressure level (SPL) is typically measured using a sound level meter, which detects and measures sound pressure in decibels (dB). When measuring SPL, it's important to consider factors such as frequency weighting and the human ear's response to noise. This is where A-weighting and C-weighting come into play. A-weighting is designed to mimic the sensitivity of the human ear to different frequencies and is commonly used for general noise measurements. C-weighting, on the other hand, is less sensitive to low frequencies and is often used when measuring very loud sounds or in industrial settings.

Common reference sound pressures include 20 micropascals for the threshold of hearing and 20 millipascals for the threshold of pain. These reference levels help provide a standard for sound pressure measurements.

In addition to A-weighting and C-weighting, there are also dBa and dBc meters. A dBa meter is used to measure overall sound levels, while a dBc meter is used to measure specific frequency ranges within the overall sound levels. This is useful for pinpointing certain frequencies of interest, such as when dealing with industrial machinery or environmental noise. By understanding these concepts and using the appropriate tools, accurate SPL measurements can be obtained for various applications.

Decibel scale

The decibel scale is used to measure sound levels, with various reference measurements corresponding to different sources and distances. The theoretical limit for a sound wave is 0 dB, while the Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 reached approximately 180 dB at a distance of 100 miles. A jet engine typically reaches around 140 dB at a distance of 100 feet. Other common sources of noise include a rock concert at approximately 120 dB at a distance of 4 feet, a car horn at 110 dB at a distance of 3 feet, and normal conversation at 60-70 dB at a distance of 3 feet.

In summary, the reference measurements for sound levels in decibels include the theoretical limit for a sound wave at 0 dB, the Krakatoa explosion at 180 dB at a distance of 100 miles, a jet engine at 140 dB at a distance of 100 feet, a rock concert at 120 dB at a distance of 4 feet, a car horn at 110 dB at a distance of 3 feet, and normal conversation at 60-70 dB at a distance of 3 feet. These measurements provide a guideline for understanding the intensity of various sources of noise at different distances.

The human perception of sound


The ability to perceive sound is an important aspect of human experience, shaping how we interact with the world around us. From the soothing sound of rainfall to the jarring noise of traffic, our perception of sound greatly influences our emotions, behavior, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the fascinating ways in which humans perceive sound, from the physiology of hearing to the psychological and cultural factors that influence our interpretation of different sounds. We will delve into the science behind how our ears process sound waves, how our brains make sense of the auditory information, and how our perception of sound can vary from person to person. Additionally, we will examine the impact of sound on human health, communication, and creativity, highlighting the intricate relationship between sound and the human experience. By gaining a deeper understanding of our perception of sound, we can appreciate the profound influence it has on our lives and the world around us.

Audible frequency range for humans

The audible frequency range for humans typically spans from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The lower limit represents the lowest frequency that the human ear can detect, while the upper limit signifies the highest frequency audible to the average human.

Human speech typically falls within the range of 85 Hz to 255 Hz, with variations depending on factors such as age and gender.

Ultrasound refers to frequencies above the audible range, typically greater than 20,000 Hz, while infrasound refers to frequencies below the audible range, typically less than 20 Hz. Ultrasound is used in medical imaging and various industrial applications, while infrasound can be produced by natural phenomena such as earthquakes and by man-made sources such as machinery.

The frequency of a sound wave is calculated by measuring the number of oscillations or cycles per second, and it is often symbolized by the letter "f". The significance of frequency lies in its relationship to pitch, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher-pitched sounds and lower frequencies corresponding to lower-pitched sounds. Additionally, frequency plays a crucial role in various aspects of acoustic engineering and communication systems.

Hearing thresholds at different frequencies

The human auditory system can process a range of frequencies, with the typical human hearing thresholds ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The upper limit for the most sensitive listeners can extend slightly higher, up to 22,000 Hz. However, these thresholds can vary depending on individual factors such as age and exposure to prolonged periods of sound.

As individuals age, the range of audible frequencies can change, with many people experiencing a decrease in sensitivity to higher frequencies as they get older. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds, such as those from heavy machinery or loud music, can also lead to hearing damage and a reduced ability to hear certain frequencies.

Sounds within the human audible range include speech, music, and environmental noises such as birds chirping or leaves rustling. Vibrating sources that produce sounds in this range include musical instruments like the piano, guitar, and flute, as well as natural sources such as thunder and wind.

In conclusion, the human auditory system can process a range of frequencies, but individual factors like age and exposure to loud sounds can affect the range of audible frequencies. Various types of sounds, from music to environmental noises, fall within this range, and they are produced by a variety of vibrating sources.

Acoustic signals and communication

Acoustic signals play a crucial role in animal communication, serving as a primary mode of transmitting information in the natural world. Various species use vocalizations, including calls, songs, and other sounds, to convey important messages such as mating calls, territorial warnings, and alarm signals. Wildlife monitoring often relies on the use of specialized equipment, such as microphones and hydrophones, to record and analyze these acoustic signals. Additionally, AI techniques are increasingly being used to automate the detection and analysis of animal vocalizations, making it easier to monitor wildlife populations and behavior.

Sound collections and acoustic sensor networks are essential for understanding and studying animal communication. By collecting and analyzing large datasets of animal vocalizations, researchers can gain insights into species behavior, population dynamics, and the ecological relationships between different species. Furthermore, advancements in AI methods and acoustic sensor networks have revolutionized wildlife monitoring and research. AI technologies can now automatically detect, classify, and interpret animal vocalizations, providing scientists with valuable information for conservation efforts and ecological studies.

In conclusion, acoustic signals and communication are vital for wildlife monitoring and research, and the use of specialized equipment and AI techniques has greatly advanced our ability to understand and study animal vocalizations in the natural world.