What is a Load?

This video introduces your students to the world of physics with our elementary science video, "What is a Load?"

This educational exploration breaks down the concept of loads, helping young minds understand the fundamental principles behind this crucial physics concept. Discover what a load is, and how it functions, and explore numerous examples that bring this concept to life. Our engaging video not only introduces the term but also dives deep into the physics concepts associated with loads.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define Load: Students will learn to identify and define what a load is in the context of physics, understanding its role in various everyday objects and scenarios.

  2. Explore Examples: Through vivid examples, students will explore different types of loads, gaining a practical understanding of how loads manifest in the world around them.

  3. Understand Physics Principles: Delve into the underlying physics principles associated with loads, as we break down concepts such as force, weight, and how loads interact within different systems.

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Definition of a load in elementary science

In elementary science, a load refers to the external force or weight acting on a structure. This can include the weight of the structure itself, as well as any additional forces acting upon it. In mechanical terminology, there are different types of loads that can affect a structure, including dead loads (constant forces such as the weight of the structure itself), live loads (variable forces such as the weight of people or furniture), and environmental loads (such as wind or snow).

When a structure is subjected to external loads, it experiences stress, which is the internal force that resists the applied load, and strain, which is the deformation that occurs as a result of the applied load. The effects of external loads on a structure can include changes in shape, movement, or even failure if the load exceeds the structure's capacity to withstand it. Understanding and managing loads is crucial in designing and constructing safe and durable structures.

Understanding Loads

Understanding Loads: In any engineering or construction project, it is essential to have a clear understanding of loads and how they can impact the structural integrity and safety of a building or infrastructure. Loads refer to the forces and pressures that act on a structure, and they can come from various sources such as live loads (e.g. occupants, furniture), dead loads (e.g. the weight of the structure itself), environmental loads (e.g. wind, snow, seismic activity), and more. By understanding the different types of loads and how they can affect a structure, engineers and architects can design and construct buildings and infrastructure that can withstand these forces and ensure the safety and well-being of occupants. This understanding is crucial in the field of construction, as it allows for the creation of resilient and durable structures that can stand the test of time.

Importance of understanding loads in everyday life

Understanding loads is crucial in everyday life as it directly impacts the design, analysis, and functionality of objects, systems, and structures. Physics principles such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and material science are essential in understanding how loads affect these elements.

For engineers, a deeper understanding of these principles is key to solving real-world engineering problems. This knowledge allows them to predict and analyze how different loads will affect the performance and safety of their designs, enabling them to create more efficient and durable solutions.

Furthermore, understanding loads has a direct impact on the design of everyday technologies and structures. From the construction of buildings and bridges to the development of vehicles and electronic devices, the knowledge of how loads interact with materials and forces is essential for creating safe and reliable products.

In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of loads and the physics principles that govern them is essential for designing, analyzing, and improving the technologies and structures that we rely on in our daily lives.

Types of loads

There are various types of loads that can affect a structure, including earth and hydrostatic pressure, erection loads, accidental loads, and settlement loads.

Earth and hydrostatic pressure can impact the structural design by exerting forces on underground or submerged elements, potentially causing instability and deformation. Erection loads, which are temporary loads during construction, can affect the structural performance if not properly considered, potentially causing deflection or failure during construction. Accidental loads, such as impact or explosion, can have severe and sudden effects on the structural integrity, requiring the design to account for potential unforeseen forces. Settlement loads, caused by the settling of the ground or structure, can lead to uneven stress distribution and potential structural failure if not properly managed.

Each type of load presents unique challenges to the structural design, and engineers must carefully consider and account for these various forces to ensure the safety and performance of the structure.

- Dead load

The dead load of a structure is the weight of all the structural members and fixtures permanently attached to the structure. To calculate the dead load, start by determining the unit weight of the construction materials used for the structural members and fixtures. This unit weight is the weight per unit volume of the material.

Next, calculate the volume of each structural member and fixture. Then, multiply the unit weight of the material by the volume to find the individual dead load for each component.

Iterate this process for all the structural members and fixtures until a final dead load for the entire structure is obtained. This iterative process allows for the determination of the most accurate dead load, taking into account all the different materials and components used in the construction.

By carefully considering the dead load calculation, including the self-weight of structural members and fixture loads, engineers can accurately determine the total load that the structure will need to support.

- Live load

Live loads are dynamic forces imposed on a structure by the weight of people, furniture, equipment, and other temporary or movable loads. These loads are categorized based on their use or occupancy, such as residential, office, industrial, or storage areas. The corresponding uniform floor live loads range from 40-80 pounds per square foot (psf) for residential areas, 50-100 psf for office spaces, 125 psf for industrial areas, and 125-250 psf for storage areas. Concentrated floor live loads can range from 300-400 pounds for residential and office areas and up to 800 pounds for industrial and storage areas.

The live load varies based on the occupancy or use of the area because different activities or functions require different levels of load-bearing capacity. For example, an industrial area with heavy machinery will have a higher live load compared to a residential area.

To calculate the total uniform load on a steel beam, the dead load due to the weight of the slab and the beam itself is added to the live load due to occupancy. This total load is then used to determine the required strength and size of the steel beam needed to support the structure.

- Wind load

Wind load is a crucial consideration in building design as it directly affects the structural integrity and safety of a building. The significance of wind load becomes more pronounced with increasing building height and unique shapes, as these factors result in higher wind pressures. Additionally, the materials used in the construction of a building play a significant role in determining wind loads.

Wind loads are calculated based on historical data and extreme value theory to assess the maximum probable wind pressures that a building may experience. This data is used to establish the design wind speed, which is then applied to the building's design to ensure it can withstand these forces.

Consequences of inadequate consideration of wind loads are vortex shedding, where wind flows around the building in a manner that induces oscillations, and through-flow, where wind penetrates the building envelope. These can compromise the stability and comfort of the building and pose safety risks.

In conclusion, wind load is a critical factor in building design, influencing structural integrity, safety, and building performance. Consideration of wind pressures, historical data, and extreme value theory is essential to ensure buildings can withstand the forces imposed by the wind.

- Snow load

To calculate the snow load according to EN 1991-1-3, first, determine the shape of the building roof, whether it is flat, monopitch, duopitch, or curved. Once the shape is identified, refer to the standard tables provided in EN 1991-1-3 to find the corresponding snow load value based on the geographical location and altitude of the building.

Next, consider the distribution of the load on the structure. This involves calculating the total snow load on the roof and then distributing it to the supporting elements such as beams, columns, and walls. The distribution of the load should be done in accordance with the design codes specified in EN 1991-1-3.

Finally, calculate the total snow load acting on the entire structure by combining the loads from the roof and any other snow accumulation areas such as balconies or overhangs. The total snow load will then be used in the structural design to ensure the building can withstand the potential snow loading.

By following these steps and utilizing the guidelines in EN 1991-1-3, one can accurately calculate the snow load on a building based on its roof shape and effectively distribute the load on the structure.

- Extraneous loads

Extraneous cognitive load refers to the mental effort imposed on learners that does not contribute to the learning process. There are several sources of extraneous load, including the split-attention effect, problem-solving with no schema-based knowledge, the modality principle, and the redundancy principle. The split-attention effect occurs when learners are required to integrate information from multiple sources, such as text and diagrams, which can lead to cognitive overload. Problem-solving with no schema-based knowledge refers to the challenge of solving problems when learners lack the necessary background knowledge or mental frameworks. The modality principle suggests that information is better understood when presented in both auditory and visual formats, while the redundancy principle cautions against presenting the same information in multiple ways, which can cause unnecessary strain on working memory.

Reducing extraneous load is challenging, and it may not be possible to completely eliminate it. However, efforts to minimize extraneous load can enhance germane processes, such as comprehension, problem-solving, and learning transfer. By designing instruction that aligns with cognitive load theory and considering the cognitive capacity of learners, educators can mitigate extraneous load and optimize learning outcomes.

Load Factors and Combinations

Load Factors and Combinations are crucial concepts in engineering and construction. Understanding load factors is important in determining safe limits for the weight and force that a structure or material can handle. These factors account for uncertainties and variations in loads, ensuring the safety and reliability of a design. Combinations, on the other hand, involve the different ways in which loads can act upon a structure, such as dead loads, live loads, wind loads, and seismic loads. By considering various combinations of these forces, engineers and architects can create designs that can withstand all possible loading scenarios. Both load factors and combinations are essential for ensuring the structural integrity and safety of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure.

Load combinations in structural design

Load combinations in structural design involve considering all possible combinations of different types of loads that act on a structure. These loads include both vertical loads, such as dead loads (the weight of the structure itself) and live loads (imposed loads from occupants or equipment), as well as horizontal loads, such as wind loads and seismic loads.

It is important to consider all these forces in the design process to ensure that the structure can safely support and resist these loads. The impact of these loads on structural analysis is significant, as they can lead to different stress and deformation patterns within the structure.

Structural engineers must carefully analyze and combine these loads in various combinations to determine the most critical loading scenarios, as different combinations of loads can lead to different design requirements. By considering load combinations, engineers can ensure that the structure is designed to withstand all possible loading conditions, providing a safe and reliable design for the intended use of the structure.

ASCE 7-16 code for building design

The ASCE 7-16 code for building design outlines key provisions and requirements for ensuring the safety and structural integrity of buildings. It addresses the types of loads that structures and buildings may encounter, including dead loads, live loads, snow loads, wind loads, earthquake loads, and other environmental factors. The code provides guidelines for accurately calculating these loads to verify the structural elements of a building and maintain overall building safety.

Accurately calculating the loads is crucial in ensuring that the building can withstand the various forces it will encounter throughout its lifespan. It is important to consider factors such as occupancy, climate, location, and potential hazards in order to determine the appropriate design criteria and load combinations. This ensures that the building is properly designed and constructed to withstand both predictable and extreme conditions, ultimately enhancing public safety.

By adhering to the ASCE 7-16 code, engineers, architects, and builders can be confident in the safety and reliability of their building designs, providing peace of mind for both occupants and the wider community.

Determining load factors for different types of loads

Load factors for different types of loads are determined based on the probability of each load occurring and their potential impact on the structure. For example, dead load factors are typically higher for permanent fixtures like walls and columns as they are consistently present and contribute to the overall weight of the structure. Live load factors, on the other hand, are determined by considering the intended use of the structure and the potential for dynamic loads such as people, furniture, or vehicles.

Snow load factors are determined based on the likelihood and distribution of snowfall in a particular area, as well as the weight of accumulated snow on the structure. Wind load factors take into account the probability and intensity of wind gusts that can exert forces on the structure, while earthquake load factors consider the seismic activity in the region and the potential impact on the building.

Ultimately, load factors are adjusted to ensure the safety and reliability of the structure under different load conditions, balancing the likelihood of each load occurring with its potential impact on the stability of the building.

Specific Types of Loads

When it comes to engineering and architecture, understanding specific types of loads is crucial for ensuring the stability and strength of structures. Whether it's the weight of a building, the force of wind or earthquakes, or the movement of people and vehicles, each type of load exerts a different kind of force on a structure. In this section, we will explore some of the most common types of loads that engineers and architects need to consider when designing buildings and infrastructure. Understanding these loads and their effects is essential for creating safe, durable, and resilient structures that can withstand the forces they will encounter.

Dead Load

The recommended weight values of commonly used materials for structural members are as follows:

Reinforced Concrete:

- Unit weight: 150 lb/ft or 24 kN/m

Plain Concrete:

- Unit weight: 145 lb/ft or 23 kN/m

Structural Steel:

- Unit weight: 490 lb/ft or 78 kN/m


- Unit weight: 170 lb/ft or 27 kN/m


- Unit weight: 120 lb/ft or 19 kN/m

These weight values are important for calculating dead loads on structural members. Dead load refers to the static load on a structure from the weight of the structure itself, as well as any permanent attachments or equipment. Understanding the unit weight of commonly used materials allows for accurate calculations of the dead load, which is crucial for designing safe and efficient structural members. It also ensures that the weight of the structure and its components can be adequately supported by the foundation and other structural elements.